About Us
Schools • Libraries • Hospitals • Senior Care • Special Events • Our Board • History
Our Mission
Pets With A Mission, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the literacy skills of children through the human-animal bond, enhancing the quality of life in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, and educating children in the care, handling and welfare of pets.
What We Do
Our teams achieve our mission by participating in a variety of activities:
We focus on childhood literacy through R.E.A.D.® (more...). With R.E.A.D.®, our registered teams work one-on-one with emerging and at-risk readers to improve reading skills at school. Children who have difficulty reading gain tremendous confidence and abilities by spending time with a reading team.
♥ LIBRARIES (more...)
Children learning to read, with reading difficulties, or simply wanting to improve their reading skills, benefit greatly from our library reading program. Having the dog/handler team with the child helps the child relax, focus on reading and enjoy the story.
♥ HOSPITALS (more...)
Our teams go to hospitals to interact with patients who have been through surgery or sickness. The instant smiles received when these patients see our pets are enough to make visits worthwhile. Each visit is as different as the patients themselves.
At senior care facilities, a visit from one of our teams usually turns into a long visit with a group of seniors. Stories about pets from their past or questions about our pets lead to interesting discussions. It is a bright spot in a sometimes dull day for these individuals.
♥ SPECIAL EVENTS (more...)
We try to support our community whenever possible which includes participating in events outside our normal disciplines. Our teams participate in charity fundraisers, exam stress relief programs, school information nights, and many more special activities.